Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Heheheeeeeeeeeee, came to blog.
Wed is so boring , to be exact . No money is bored.
NO $ , NO TALK . $_$.Facing financial probs. LOL.
Went for a movie ystd , The informants.... no comments :) It's on my twitter :) :)
Swear it's the first time . ^^ .
Hoho. So bored currently.
Lucky " pretty Meichi " is talking to me . HAHA.
She have turn into a cat . so scare :( HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA.
Shall go watch show >:( .......................... :)..

{edit}/ .
Meet up with Meiji milk on mon. Love the gift she gave to me :P
Love you too... ( force to say ) :)
HAHAHA, she never fail to joke . At mac i laugh the most . she and her joke .
Love her a lot. Walk around plaza sing , bought my things and quickly head her house...
as my eyes is fugly pls. LOL.
Ate delicious dinner at her house :))))) HOHO. Her audi is fixxxxxxxxxxx. meiji , you should not thank me , thank yourself HAHAHHA.
accompany her for groceries and home !! MUACKSS. HAHAHHA

Btw , some unknown (Hi) tag me . must be some crazy bitch . HAHHAHAHA


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